COMMENT: Ever sense the Sorrows Furnece Release I have had such a hard time selling things, I have tons of weapons with max mods, max components, and near max mods and rare weapons. I try to sell these items and the best I get in-game is about 3k and 5-8k on the forums. I think it is mostly because of the chests and keys plus the green items.
Well I'm sure there are more experiences tradaers out there that could help me out on prices.
+15% above 50%
+14% above 50%
+13% above 50%
+20% under 50%
+19% under 50%
+18% under 50%
+20% Enchantments last longer
+19% Enchantments last longer
+18% Enchantments last longer
+1 (Attribute) 20% chance
+1 (Attribute) 19% chance
+1 (Attribute) 18% chance
+30 Health
+29 Health
+28 Health
+27 Health
+26 Health
+7 Armor/(Physical/Elemental)
+5 Armor All
Elemental Components
Improve Casting Speed 10%
Improve Casting Speed 9%
Skill Recharge 10%
Skill Recharge 9%
+5 Energy above 50% Health (Single Weapon)